
Privacy Statement

JOST Australia Pty Limited ABN 60 001 081 778 ('Jost') is bound by the National Privacy Principles ('NPPs'), as set out in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

To comply with our obligations under the NPPs this Privacy Statement and Jost's Privacy Policy (set out below) set out how we manage privacy in our organisation. You are welcome to receive more information about the Policy.

Privacy and Confidentiality

As responsible corporate citizens we appreciate the importance of the confidentiality of your personal information. This part of the obligation remains unchanged by our Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy deals with your additional right to privacy under the NPPs, and is independent of our contractual and ethical obligations.

This Privacy Statement and Privacy policy is current as at 21 December 2001. From time to time, Jost may review or update the Privacy Policy, to take account of changes to privacy laws, Jost's business practices and the community's changing privacy expectations. You may request us to send you a copy of our privacy policy at any time.

Read our Privacy Policy 

Read our Privacy Complaints Policy

Privacy Policy

(For the attention of individuals whose personal information may be collected by this organisation)

A Customer may request access to personal information held about them by Jost collected after 21 December 2001, or personal information collected before that date but which Jost continues to use.

Under the NPPs, 'personal information' is any information (regardless of whether or not it is true, and whether or not it is held in a material form) about an individual from which their identity is apparent or is reasonably ascertainable.

Jost collects personal information about a Customer for the purposes of:

  • Fulfilling the Customer's order for goods and services; and
  • Processing and considering the Customer's application for consumer credit, and if successful, managing the Customer's credit account with Jost.

Jost may also use the information to inform Customers about goods or services which Jost considers might be of interest to the Customer. The Customer may notify Jost at any time that they do not wish to receive this information, by advising Jost in writing directed to the address shown above.

Jost may provide personal information about a Customer to agents or contractors acting on Jost's behalf to collect debts or recover goods (or such other contractors providing services to Jost). The identity of these contractors and service providers may change from time to time.

The Customer agrees that where they have provided personal information about another individual to Jost, the Customer will ensure that the individual is aware of:

  • the supply of that personal information and the purposes of its collection by Jost; and
  • the individual's ability to request access to that information under the Privacy Act 1988 (and to advise the Customer if they think the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date).

If a Customer does not provide Jost with all the personal information requested, Jost:

  • may not be able to fulfil the Customer's order for goods or services;
  • or may not be able to access (any may therefore reject) the Customer's application for credit.


If you have any complaints about our privacy practices or wish to make a complaint about how your personal information is managed, please contact our office on (02) 9838 8100. Complaints will be handled under the Jost's Privacy Complaints Policy.


We will take all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information that we hold. This includes appropriate measures to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in hard copy.
Once Jost no longer needs Customer information, steps are taken to destroy it in order to safeguard privacy.


Jost contracts out data storage and processing functions. When Jost contracts out these services, we take measures to protect the information by using a reputable archiving company, ensuring that all hard copies are destroyed once electronically archived and that electronic information kept on site is kept in a restricted access safe.

Collection Statement

The personal information collected is collected by Jost Australia Pty Limited ABN 60 001 081 778 ('Jost') 18- 20 Prince William Drive, Seven Hills NSW 2147.

Type of personal information collected

  • Your Name;
  • Address;
  • Occupation;
  • Career History;
  • References.

Use and disclosure

Other personal information is collected for the purpose of:

  • selling you our product;
  • selling you our services ;
  • processing payment.

Jost will usually disclose this information (and only to the extent necessary) to:

  • our insurer/s; and
  • agents/contractors that provide Jost with services.

What happens if you choose not to provide the information?

You are not obliged to give us your personal information. However, if you choose not to provide Jost with the personal information we request, we may not be able to provide you with the service/ sell the product/process your payment in a particular way/extend credit.


Details of Jost's privacy practices with respect to personal information are contained in its Privacy Policy. To request access to personal information held about the Customer, to request a copy of Jost's Privacy Policy, or to enquire generally about privacy matters, the Customer must write to Jost at the address shown above. The Customer should be aware that Jost may deny requests to access personal information in some circumstances.

Sources of information

Where possible Jost will collect the personal information it requests directly from Jost's customers.


Jost sends information overseas on a regular basis to our parent company in Germany. As a related body corporate to Jost, the NPPs permit Jost to disclose a Customer's personal information to our parent body, but its uses of that information are then restricted to the purpose for which Jost has originally collected the information.

Access Policy

This access policy is directed to those individuals whose personal information is held by Jost.


The purpose of Jost's access policy is to set out how Jost will provide access to your personal information. The access policy forms part of Jost's Privacy Policy and our desire to provide for, maintain and give effect to your right to privacy.

Overriding principles

At all times conduct under this access policy will be governed by the following principles:

  • All requests for access will be treated seriously;
  • All requests will be dealt with promptly All requests will be dealt with in a confidential manner;
  • Your request to access your personal information will not affect your existing obligations or the commercial arrangements between you and Jost.

Form of Access

Jost will provide access by allowing you to inspect, take notes of or receive copies or extracts of the personal information that we hold about you. You can make a request in writing to Jost Australia Pty Limited, 18 - 20 Prince William Drive, Seven Hills NSW 2147. To obtain access you must provide proof of your identity. This is necessary to ensure that personal information is provided only to the correct individuals and that the privacy of others is not unreasonably impacted.

Access may be denied

We may deny a written request for access if:

  • the request does not relate to the personal information of the individual making the request;
  • providing access would pose a serious and imminent threat to life or health of any person;
  • providing access would create an unreasonable impact to the privacy of others;
  • the request is frivolous or vexatious;
  • the request relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings;providing access would prejudice our negotiations with the individual making the request;
  • access would be unlawful or denial of access is authorised or required by law;
  • access would prejudice law enforcement activities;
  • access discloses a 'commercially sensitive' decision making process or information;or
  • any other reason provided for by the NPPs.

Where possible, Jost will provide you with access to your personal information. It may do so by providing access to the appropriate records or where disclosure in that manner is not appropriate, via an 'intermediary' who is able to fully explain the contents of our records to you.

We will amend any personal information in our records that is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.

Where there is a dispute about the right or forms of access these will be dealt with in accordance with Jost's Grievance Policy.


We will take all reasonable steps to provide access within 30 days of your request. In cases where the request is not complicated or does not require access to a large volume of information, we will provide information within 14 days.

Costs and charges

The NPPs allow Jost to charge a reasonable fee to fulfill a request for access to personal information. Our fee relates to our costs of retrieving your personal information from our systems.


Jost Australia Pty Limited ABN 60 001 081 778 ('Jost/We/Our/Us') sees the importance of privacy to this organisation, its customers and other stakeholders. As such Jost is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that we hold.

This is part of our organisations:

  • legal obligations under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988;
  • ethical and business obligations; and
  • service commitment to You.

Jost places high priority on effectively dealing with any complaints dealing about privacy that You may have.

Overriding principles

At all times the conduct under this Privacy Complaints Policy ('Policy') will be governed by the following principles:

  • all complaints will be treated seriously;
  • all complaints will be dealt with promptly;
  • all complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner;
  • the complaint will not affect Your existing obligations or the commercial arrangements that exist between Jost and You.

Who may complain under this Policy?

If You have provided us with personal information You have a right to make a complaint, have it investigated and dealt with under this Policy. You will have our assistance and co-operation in any complaint.

What is a privacy complaint?

A privacy complaint relates to any concern or dispute that You have with our privacy practices as it relates to Your personal information.

This could include matters such as:

  • how personal information is collected;
  • how personal information is stored
  • how this information is used or disclosed;
  • how access is provided.

What do I do if I have a complaint about privacy practices?

Jost resolves grievances at the local level if possible. If You have a complaint about privacy please contact our office on (02) 9838 8100 as a first step.

All complaints will be logged on a database/complaints register.

You may complain orally or in writing sent to Jost Australia Pty Limited 18 - 20 Prince William Drive, Seven Hills NSW 2147. Usually Your contact person with Jost will be the proper person to discuss or resolve Your complaint, however, if Your privacy complaint is not resolved the matter will then be referred to the next level of management.

Grievance procedure

The goal of Jost's Grievance Procedure y is to achieve an effective resolution of Your complaint within a reasonable timeframe [i.e. 28 days or as soon as practicable].

Once your complaint has been made, the point of contact may then resolve the matter in a number of ways:

  1. Request further information and investigation: Your initial contact may request further information from You. You should be prepared to give as many details as possible including details of any relevant dates and documentation. This will enable the contact to investigate the complaint and determine an appropriate and useful solution. All details provided will be kept confidential.
    The complaint may be investigated. The organisation will try to do so within [72 hours/as soon as possible]. It may be necessary to contact others in order to proceed with the investigation. This may be necessary in order to progress your complaint.
  2. Discuss options: We will discuss options for resolution and if You have suggestions about how the matter might be resolved You should discuss these with your contact. The contact could also suggest other solutions or give examples of how the personal information can be revised or stored in a different way.
  3. Refer to CEO: If Your complaint is not resolved at the local level, it will be referred to the CEO. The CEO will then be provided with the background and may discuss the complaint with the employees, or other parties that are involved.
  4. Resolution: You will be informed of the outcome and the reasons for the decision. If this does not resolve the complaint, the matter will be referred to a mutually agreed intermediary.
  5. If after the above steps have been followed you are still dissatisfied with the outcome You may refer the complaint to the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner.

Follow-up of the complaint

Your contact at Jost will contact you after approximately six weeks to ensure that you have no further concerns.


Jost will keep a record of Your complaint and the outcome.

Anonymous complaints

Jost is unable to deal with anonymous complaints, as we are unable to investigate properly and follow-up such complaints.

However, in the event that an anonymous complaint is received, Jost will note the issues raised and try to resolve them appropriately.


For any further information about this Privacy Complaints Policy please contact our office on (02) 9838 8100.
